All posts by Vos Gear

What We Wouldn’t Give

Dear Anthony —

What we wouldn’t give

  • To see who you’d be today
  • To see you on your 22nd birthday
  • To see you as a SENIOR in college!
  • To see you full of dreams, leaving the nest
  • To see you all grown up, strong & independent
  • To see you taller than your mom
  • To see you teasing your not-so-little brother while still watching out for him
  • To see you cheering him on in football & in life
  • To see your upgrades from Dad’s yellow Caprice
  • To see you making music & movies & mischief
  • To see you putting 110% into everything you do
  • To see you leaving laughter in your wake
  • To see your smile and hear your voice again

Love always, Dad, Mom, & Evan

(2013 Edition)

2019-2022: Dustin Lokhorst, Guilty of Multiple Driving Violations

Between 2019-2022, Dustin Lokhorst was charged with the following infractions in Iowa:

  1. Driving while License Denied, Suspended, Canceled, or Revoked; Failure to Display Registration Plate, 12/14/2022
  2. Failure to have a Valid License or Permit While Operating Motor Vehicle, 4/11/2022 [Guilty]
  3. Failure to Stop in Assured Clear Distance, 1/31/22 [Guilty]
  4. Driving While License Suspended, 12/14/2021 [Guilty]
  5. Failure to Stop in Assured Clear Distance, 12/9/2021 [Guilty]
  6. Driving while License Denied, Suspended, Canceled, or Revoked, 3/13/2021 [Guilty]
  7. Operating Non-Registered Vehicle, 2/6/2020 [Guilty]
  8. Failure to Prove Security Against Liability, 10/6/2019 [Guilty]

Source: Iowa Courts Online

When Anthony & Anthony First Meet

The Silver Lake:
When Anthony and Anthony First Meet

by Bruce Kuiper


By a lake of clear silver he sits,
Ten strong fingers on fishing pole,
Back against ancient cedar tree.
Ruby fish take hookless line,
Rise and fall in gleeful spray,
Dart back to try again.
Intricate water designs intrigue;
Laying pole aside to pick up diamonds,
He hefts flawless stones,
Then, sidearmed, throws.
Green eyes twinkle at trios of skips and splashes,
Young limbs delight in movement and energy.

Hearing new laughter
He turns to find a freckled youth
Crooked now only in his smile. Continue reading When Anthony & Anthony First Meet

Aunt S Remembers: Spoiling Her Nephew

From Aunt S, 10/15/2005

Anthony was…amazing. From the moment he came home I knew he was just really somethin’. I remember when I visited Gwen and Rian in North Carolina. I slept on the floor in the same room

as Anthony’s crib and I snuck him out of bed and we played on the air bed late that night and I remember just watching him in the half-light from the kitchen and being amazed by him. When he was about 4 years old he was pretty squirrely on Sunday afternoon and thinking I could get him to take a nap, I took him for a long drive. Well, that kid jabbered and jabbered and questioned this or that the ENTIRE time we drove around until I was exhausted!

More recently, I had been wondering (since he was now a teenager) when he would stop hugging so hard when we’d say goodbye…but he still gave great, big, hard hugs. I would usually rub his head when we’d say goodbye but had stopped that this last year after he’d grown his hair. He took all the teasing about his hair all in stride though and gave it right back.

At the science fair in Ames this last spring, I decided to surprise him and stop by to see his presentation. Once I got there though, I could not find him and wandered around for quite awhile before I heard him call my name. And I remember looking down at him from the seats in the auditorium and thinking he looked so small. Then when I heard him present to the judge, being awed by how ‘old’ he was.

I asked him if he needed anything and he said his walkman’s batteries ran out then told me he was glad to see me because he was “homesick” and he had slept in the tub at the hotel. Homesick! I couldn’t possibly allow my nephew to be homesick so I went out and got batteries…and some candy, and some more candy, and a magazine, and some more candy. When I got back to him, he looked in the bag, kinda’ smirked and said, “I only needed batteries…” Before I left, I asked his one more time if he needed anything, and he gave that same sideways smirk and said, “If I tell you, you’ll just bring me more candy!”

Yeah, well…

He was just really somethin’…and I miss him so terribly, terribly much.

Bedtime Story

Anthony moved into his own room last weekend. He hadn’t been campaigning (hard) for it, but my parents moved recently (2 hours closer!) and gave us some extra furniture, so we were able to set him up with a twin bed, dresser, and small blue recliner.

He won a bunch of posters at the county fair Sunday, so his new door is plastered with things like “GO AWAY!” “KEEP OUT!” and “NO PARENTS ALLOWED!” His electric guitar sits in one corner, and my old green lava lamp sits on a little table next to his bed. I don’t like the music he listens to, and his buzz-cut dad doesn’t like the hippy length of his hair or the baggy cut of his jeans, so we’re well into the “moody parents of an adolescent” phase. I can’t believe he turns 13 next week!

It seems as though Anthony and Evan fight with each other all the time nowadays. And brother-brother fighting is SO much rougher than the sister-sister or sister-brother fighting I grew up with. It upsets me sometimes to see how rough and mean they are to each other (‘cuz, y’know, I was never that mean to my little sister. She will try to tell you that I pushed her down the stairs once, but all I did was jump out of the way when she lunged at me. She nose-dived down the stairs all on her own power…thud, thud, thud. I’m sorry — it still makes me laugh!).

Where was I? Oh yeah. Sugar and spice and everything nice. I don’t like to see my boys fight, but when they’re tumbling and bellowing across the floor, and I snap at them to “leave each other ALONE!” — they pop up from their respective headlocks, red-faced, panting, grinning, and say in unison: “We were just PLAYIN’, Ma!”

They bait each other, tease each other, torment, pester, punch each other — and each destroyed most of the other’s underwear during a short-lived Atomic Wedgie phase. They’ve shared a bedroom and a bunkbed for nearly 8 years, and both were ecstatic about the new arrangements. Anthony was excited about having his own space, and Evan was thrilled about getting the top bunk, FINALLY.

Monday morning, I went downstairs to wake them up for school. I went into Evan’s room first and looked for him on the bottom bunk. Finding it empty, I remembered the room changes and looked for him on the top. Nuthin’. I looked UNDER the bed next, because he’s been known to end up there during the night somehow. I didn’t find him there or stuck between the bed and the wall or sticking halfway out of the closet. For a split second, I had that panicky feeling I got the morning after Rian stashed a snoring 6-year-old Evan in the bathtub in the hotel room during the middle of the night. Where WAS he??

I opened Anthony’s door, with all its signs shouting at me to stay away, shouting AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY. I didn’t think “authorized personnel” included pesky little brothers, but there he was, curled up on the blue recliner next to Anthony’s bed. Anthony rolled over and rubbed his eyes sleepily. He didn’t seem too surprised or annoyed to see Evan sleeping in his room. In fact, the next night when I sent them to brush their teeth before bed, I heard Anthony say, “You can sleep in my room again tonight if you wanna.”

Update, June 2005: Evan has been sleeping on Anthony’s recliner for nearly a year now.

Update, post-June 2005: We will never know now how long this would have continued.

2018: November 17 & 19 – Dustin Lokhorst Arrested

On November 17, 2018, Dustin Lokhorst (a.k.a. Dustin De Raad) was arrested for:

  1. Obstructing/Resisting Executive Officer

On November 19, 2018, Dustin Lokhorst (a.k.a. Dustin De Raad) was arrested for:

  1. Violation of Post Release Supervision [Guilty]

Dustin Lokhorst served 18 days of a 180-day prison sentence.

Source: Superior Court of California, County of Kern

Aunt S: Message to a Would-Be Graduate

From Ant S, 5/25/2010

So, Graduate, what would I say to you now as you faced the world? That we knew you would be great from the very moment we laid eyes on you.

We saw how talented you were with your poems and videos and projects that you did for the sheer enjoyment of creating something and hoping that others enjoyed it too. We felt how kind you were when you looked out for your little brother and spent time with your cousins who were so much younger than you.

Your graduation party would be huge~so many people that loved you. We’d be eating your cake and laughing about the graduation ceremony and what you or your buddies did to surprise everyone. We’d be talking about your college plans and how you would blow the world away. We would know this b/c you blew us away.

You would be 18 and “cool” but would still be on the floor playing with Naomi or taking time away from a visitor to listen to Gabe’s latest joke or would steal away in a corner with Tess to read her latest story…all during YOUR graduation party. We love you, Graduate. We wish you could’ve taken the world by storm like you were set to do.

Cousin Julie Remembers: A Newborn

From Cousin Julie, 10/12/2005

Most of my memories of Anthony are from his earlier moments in life.

I remember when he was born.

They closed the Dordt Campus for the weekend

(I can’t remember what they called it…Tri-State Break?), so I went up to Hull to stay with the K’s.

This was either the day Gwen came home from the hospital or sometime real close…

Oh, I was a silly college freshmen then, didn’t think about much outside of my own little world.

I remember sitting in the livingroom and we were all laughing – probably me and Sheri – when I went into the kitchen to get something.

As I walked around the corner, something caught my eye and I almost stopped in my tracks. I felt like I was an intruder. I didn’t want to “mess up” the “moment.” that was happening near the dining room table.

Sunlight was streaming in the windows, and the rays were falling on Gwen and highlighting her hair. Before her the sun glowed in the soft baby fuzziness of Anthony’s head. The two were staring at each other as Gwen held him in her arms and just…looked and looked at him…and he just looked and looked back at her. I don’t know what each one was thinking as they had their unspoken conversation, but I could see they adored each other. Newborns don’t keep their eyes open that long…but he knew who he was looking at…and said his unspoken, “Hi Mom” with his eyes.

I knew I should leave, but it was so beautiful, that I wanted shrink to a fly on the wall and just watch in awe. I grew up a little bit in that moment.

What a beautiful, perfect little baby boy…

I grabbed whatever it was I was after, because I felt like I was witnessing something very special between mother and son that shouldn’t be watched or invaded upon, and I quickly made it back to the other room, trying to make a fast, undetectable escape.

I still think it was one of the most beautiful moments I have witnessed in my life.

2017: August 23 – Dustin Lokhorst Arrested

On August 23, 2017, Dustin Lokhorst (a.k.a. Dustin De Raad) was arrested in Bakersfield, CA, for the following:

  1. Possession of a Controlled Substance
  2. Destroying Evidence
  3. Resist/Obstruct/Delay Peace Officer
  4. Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
  5. Possess a Controlled Substance While Armed with Loaded Firearm

Dustin Lokhorst served 44 days of a 3-year prison sentence.

Source: Superior Court of California, County of Kern

2017: April 14 – Dustin Lokhorst Arrested for Battery on a Police Officer, Stalking, Driving Without a License, Etc.

On April 14, 2017, Dustin Lokhorst (a.k.a. Dustin De Raad) was arrested in Bakersfield, CA, for the following:

  1. Resist/Obstruct/Delay Peace Officer
  2. Battery on Peace Officer/Emergency Personnel
  3. Vandalism
  4. Stalking
  5. Obstruct/Resist Executive Officer
  6. Driving Without a License
  7. Throwing Substance at Vehicle with GBI (Great Bodily Injury) Intent
  8. Manufacture/Import/Sell/Etc. Metal Knuckles

Dustin Lokhorst served 175 days of a 2-year prison sentence.

Source: Superior Court of California, County of Kern

Cousin Julie Remembers: A Poke in the Eye

From Cousin Julie, 9/20/2005

One time, I was sleeping on the couch at “Uncle Al’s” house. It was a Sunday afternoon several years ago, typical of an Iowa winter. Cold and froze outside, warm and cozy inside.

We’d all just been to church and had another one of Aunt Jan’s delicious meals with the entire family – laughter ringing off the walls. (That Grandma Caroline sure can laugh!)

We all settled in for the cozy afternoon, and I claimed the highly sought after couch. I was sleeping fairly well, until…I felt eyes on me and had the heebie jeebies. I slowly opened one eye – half afraid of what I might find in that half scared-half asleep-not knowing where I am state…I barely got my eye open and POKE!

Anthony (a toddler at the time) poked me in the eye with a curious, pudgy little boy finger. Scared the wits out of me, but entertained the rest of the Kuiper clan.

2015: October 29 Dustin Lokhorst Guilty of Domestic Abuse Assault

For an incident on October 29, 2015, Dustin Lokhorst (a.k.a. Dustin De Raad) was charged in Sioux County with THREE counts of domestic assault:

  1. Strangulation, a.k.a. Domestic Abuse Assault Impeding Air/Blood Flow Causing Bodily Injury- 1 count [Dismissed]
  2. Domestic Abuse Assault Causing Injury or Mental Illness – 2 counts [Guilty on 1 count]

He was fined $100.

Source: Iowa Courts Online

Cousin Michelle Remembers

From Cousin Michelle, 10/16/2005

What I remember best about Anthony was that he was true to his namesake – Grandpa Tony Kuiper.

Always joking, always kidding or teasing. When I look again now at Anthony’s pictures I can always see it in his eyes — his large, intelligent, laughing eyes.

One more thing for now: Regarding Julie’s posting about catching Gwen and baby Anthony in that sacred moment of gazing into each other’s eyes. The moment you describe has to be one of the most beautiful word paintings I’ve read and also one of the most profound moments in a mother’s life.

Those of us who are mothers know that it is impossible, before our children are born, to even imagine the fiercely intense love and protectiveness we have for our children after they are born and when we gaze into their eyes for the first time.

Praise God for Anthony! What a wonderful, wonderful gift.

Dirge Without Music

A poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay

I am not resigned to the shutting away of loving hearts in the hard ground.

So it is, and so it will be, for so it has been, time out of mind:
Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely. Crowned
With lilies and with laurel they go; but I am not resigned.

Lovers and thinkers, into the earth with you.
Be one with the dull, the indiscriminate dust.
A fragment of what you felt, of what you knew,
A formula, a phrase remains,—but the best is lost.

The answers quick and keen, the honest look, the laughter, the love,—
They are gone. They are gone to feed the roses. Elegant and curled
Is the blossom. Fragrant is the blossom. I know. But I do not approve.
More precious was the light in your eyes than all the roses in the world.

Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave
Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind;
Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.
I know. But I do not approve. And I am not resigned.

Edna St. Vincent Millay, “Dirge Without Music” from Collected Poems © 1928, 1955 by Edna St. Vincent Millay and Norma Millay Ellis. Reprinted with permission of Elizabeth Barnett and Holly Peppe, Literary Executors, The Millay Society.

Source: Collected Poems (HarperCollins, 1958)

2015: April 27 – Dustin Lokhorst Crashes Another Motorcycle in Unsuccessful Wheelie

On April 27, 2015, Dustin Lokhorst (a.k.a. Dustin De Raad) crashed his motorcycle into the back of a van in Oildale, CA.

The California Highway Patrol says “31-year-old Dustin Lokhorst was traveling at a high rate of speed, weaving in and out of traffic, and doing a wheelie Monday when he hit the rear of 24-year-old Mitchel Torres’ slower-moving Dodge Caravan.”

Source: The Bakersfield Californian; Bakersfield NOW; KUZZ AM/FM

Dustin Lokhorst has now crashed a motorcycle at least 4 different times in less than 10 years.




Grandpa Remembers: Quiet Evening

From Grandpa K, 9/30/2014

It’s a quiet evening here, not too far away from the place you were born. Today we would have celebrated your 23rd birthday with you, and I find myself wondering what life would look like for you. What would you be doing? What passions of life would you be pursuing? What adventures of life might surround you?

Perhaps by now you would have fallen madly in love with a beautiful young woman – maybe even married and maybe even with a child that we would have welcomed as our first great-grandson! Who knows! I assume you would have graduated from college last spring, and I wonder if you might have decided to settle in as a potential partner in JTV. Or perhaps your passion for music might have encouraged you to pursue some graduate studies at some renowned university.

That’s the thing about imagining what you might be doing in life as you celebrated your 23rd birthday. We can imagine how crazy wonderful it would be to have you walk in the door with that crazy grin that always seemed to light up the room. We can fill our minds with imaginations for hours on end, and each imagination seems to recall one memory or another.

Every so often I set aside some time to watch the videos your mother took of you and Evan when you were just kids. I have watched the video of you eagerly waiting for the school bus on your first day of school. I have watched you racing your dog to a tree and back. I have watched you celebrate your 6th birthday, opening birthday presents and enjoying every moment. I have watched the ways you saw yourself as Evan’s big brother. And then I have watched the short videos you created and made.

These short videos are wonderful moments that help me keep you close to my heart and thoughts. But as wonderful as these moments are, they are also filled with an aching sadness. We miss you!

A Song of Faith

From Faith, 1/15/2014


I wrote a song about you in Nashville this past year. I imagine you would have had a million songs poured out of your soul by now. Your sense of adventure and your love for life and your creativity fuel my fire.

Everyday I think of the limitless possibilities if what life may have been like if you were still here. Yet, you’re not here and even your absence has such a profound effect on my life and the life of so many others. You inspire me to live to the fullest, to appreciate what I do have, to take advantage of opportunities because you never know when those opportunities will be gone.

I love you from the very depths of my heart Anthony. Thank you for being such an inspiration on my life. Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for all the smiles and laughs.

Feeling your light and warmth,


Snakes & Snails & Puppy Dog Tails

Anthony loved critters of all shapes and sizes. In addition to cuddly dogs and cats, Anthony loved frogs, toads, lady bugs, turtles, lizards, and especially snakes. Starting around the age of 4 or 5, if you asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, he would tell you “A herpetologist! A snake scientist!”

I was proud of his vocabulary and career aspirations but had secretly hoped he would grow out of wanting a life spent studying creepy crawly things that could bite him.

From 1996 to 1999, we lived on an acreage out in the country. It was surrounded by farmland and bordered by a tumbledown grove of trees that was perfect for exploring and finding all kinds of critters.

One warm summer afternoon when Anthony was little, I was putting laundry away. I went into the boys’ bedroom and opened Anthony’s sock drawer to put away his socks. Curled up in the middle of the drawer was a striped black garter snake. I dropped everything & screamed. I ran outside to find Rian and the boys: “There’s a SNAKE in Anthony’s drawer! Did it get in the house through a vent? Did it get in through the crawlspace! How did it get IN there??”

Anthony said simply: “I wanted to keep him,” as if that was the most logical thing in the world.

Grandpa Remembers: A Spotted Fawn

From Grandpa K, 9/29/2010

Five years ago on a Saturday afternoon in June you and I stood silent on a grass-covered hillside. You had suddenly pointed and whispered, “Grandpa, look! It’s a fawn!”

In the middle of some long-stemmed prairie grass, a fawn had been lying unseen about 100 feet from us. It was one of those joyfully unexpected surprises that occasionally comes along in the ordinary. Why did the fawn overcome the natural instincts? Was it out of simple curiosity that it decided to lift its head and fix its eyes on us for a brief moment?

We stood there, you and I, taking in the moment with a sense of silent wonder. And now on this day, we who fiercely love you and stubbornly hold on to all our treasured memories, will say once more that you are not forgotten and that we hold you in our hearts.

Chelsea Remembers: Great Memories

I’ve known Anthony for about 5 years and I have had great memories with him! I remember when we were in 5th or 6th grade and the office would go over the intercom and say “there’s a car parked outside with its headlights on” and Anthony would start walkin out of the room sayin “that’s mine.” He was a great kid! I think about him all the time. It took me awhile to realize he was gone until school started. The first few days it was really hard! I miss you so much Anthony.

Cole Remembers: Like a Brother

Anthony was a really cool and nice kid. He was always great to hang out with. We usually went skateboarding. We made 3 or 4 movies together. He had a lot of talent and skills. He was an excellent guitar player and a good skateboarder. He was an awesome friend, I considered him like a brother.

Ethan Remembers: A Best Friend

Anthony was one of the best friends I have ever had. Even when we had our differences, we worked them out and our friendship became stronger than ever. I’m proud to have been called his friend. I really miss him and there is not a day that goes by that i don’t think about Anthony.

Ethan R.

Kelsey Remembers: The Talk

I’ve known Anthony since he moved here in about second grade… I can only think of good memories I’ve had with him! Like when he jumped up on his chair to assume his usual position and completely missed the chair,  or when he was mine and Kirstin’s “dad” and gave us “the talk” after we snuck out at night. I can remember when he dressed up like a girl in Mrs. Geerdes classroom for a character for a book report…only Anthony would be brave enough to do that!

He was such a great kid, I’ve never ever had a bad time with him…he’d always be the one to cheer you up…he was funny, nice and extremely couldn’t ask for a better kid. Its been really hard not having Anthony around, it’s so weird not to have him around always smiling and cracking a joke.

Kim Remembers: Meeting Anthony

From Kim, 12/29/2009

Anthony made such an impression on my family. My kids were very small when we spent time with the Vos family but they still remember Anthony & Evan often. Anthony was so patient and kind with my kids. And what a whip-smart sense of humor he had. I feel fortunate to have known this kind, generous and intelligent young man. The world lost a lot when it lost Anthony.

We miss you, kid.

~ K, O & H

Grandma Remembers: Separation

From Grandma Kuiper, 11/3/2005

I was privileged to spend a lot of time with Anthony during his first 5 years or so. I found out quite soon how “attached” to him I was.

When Anthony was almost a year old I traveled with him and his mom on their first move to Jacksonville, NC.

It was a long trip, especially for an active toddler, but he allowed me to amuse him with 1 or 2 little toys.

On his first day in North Carolina he took some of his first steps by himself. I can still see the excitement and delight in his eyes.

When I had to fly back to Iowa by myself I could not say goodbye. I was sure that I could not be happy without Anthony and his family nearby. I feel much the same now.

2006: November – Dustin Lokhorst Guilty of Manslaughter

In November of 2006, 17 months after Anthony was killed, Dustin Lokhorst (a.k.a. Dustin De Raad) has pleaded guilty to the following crimes related to the original felony charge of Child Endangerment Resulting in Death:

  1. Involuntary Manslaughter
  2. Driving on the wrong side of a 2-way highway, resulting in death
  3. No valid drivers license, resulting in death
  4. Failure to maintain control, resulting in death
  5. Speeding (47+ in a 35), resulting in death
  6. Violation of the conditions of a restricted license, resulting in death
  7. Careless driving, resulting in death
  8. Failure to prove security against liability, in a wreck resulting in death

Source: Iowa Courts Online

Sutherland Skate Park Photos

Skatepark ramps and platforms were fabricated and donated by JTV Mfg. R. had taken measurements of similar equipment in a couple of other towns but ended up working from a large fold-out Slim Jim ad containing a detailed “Snap Pipe” blueprint we found in one of Anthony’s skateboarding magazines. Slim Jim’s parent company ConAgra was contacted to give them credit for the initial design. Lundell Mfg from Cherokee donated the black paint job.

The skate ramps were set up in the Sutherland City Park on April 14 & 15 of 2006. Anthony’s grandpa and little brother each had a birthday that weekend.

Sutherland Skatepark Photo Gallery

Not-So-Ninja Moves

From Mom, 9/21/2005

I was sitting at the computer one night in my office when Anthony decided to sneak up on me & scare me. The boys loved martial arts movies and ninjas, and they imagined they were pretty good at being stealthy.

Anthony WAS getting really good at this, but I liked to lurk around corners and scare him, so the score was pretty even.

That night, I had my back to the door, and he had dropped to the ground and started low-crawling through the doorway like a soldier. Stealthily, inch by inch. I had no idea he was there.

What he didn’t realize was that the little dog we were pet-sitting was curled up on top of my feet and had already become very protective of me. This five-pound furball heard him trying to sneak up behind me, and she freaked out… jumped up barking and growling and acting like she was going to tear his head off. Anthony couldn’t get out of there fast enough, scrambling backwards on his hands and feet, trying to get up and get away.

He hadn’t been expecting that!

All 3 of us were startled, but the dog won that round.

Unkel B: Missed Every Second

From Unkel B, 7/2/2008

Three years feels like a lifetime without Anthony, but at the same time the pain feels like the loss happened only yesterday.

Riding past parks filled with fresh-faced high schoolers, or seeing 16-year-olds working at their first “real” job helps to see where he would be … and hurts to know that he isn’t. He would be at the center of those groups, the life of the party but as responsible as a young man can be.

Three years, and missed every single second.

Sioux City Journal: “Sutherland Skate Park Dedication Saturday”

Tim Gallagher Journal staff writer, May 12, 2006

A “pipe dream” comes full circle as half-pipe and quarter-pipe units are dedicated at a skate park in Sutherland, Iowa.

The project began well over a year ago when Sutherland youths and their parents asked members of the local park board if the city could support a skate park.

“I remember 15 (youths) came to the board with their parents,” says Sutherland Mayor Carolyn Rohrbaugh. “They wanted some skate equipment and we asked them if they wanted us to save our money so we could afford some expensive equipment, or if they wanted us to get some affordable equipment right away.”

The skaters asked city leaders to pursue the latter, which they did. Five components of the skate park were put in place last spring. The place was named Pete’s Skate Park in memory of Bernard “Pete” Petersen, who served Sutherland on the city council or as mayor for three decades.

“He had just passed away and the family donated money and we put it toward the skate park,” Rohrbaugh says.

One youth who used the park was Anthony Vos, 13-year-old son of Rian and Gwen Vos.

On June 17, the boy was killed in a motorcycle crash at the Iowa Great Lakes. Following his death, Vos’ parents tossed around the idea of erecting some advanced jumps at the skate park, building upon their son’s passion for the sport.

“He was a big skateboarder,” Rian Vos says.

Vos, owner of JTV Manufacturing in Sutherland, found himself in position to act on the vision. He and his coworkers spent many Saturdays this winter building a half-pipe and a quarter-pipe out of fabricated steel. JTV, which has been in Sutherland for seven years, is a contract manufacturer for fabricated products. The firm employs 40.

This week, the staff made a plaque bearing Anthony’s name to be placed at the park in the center of this O’Brien County community.

“We set up the new equipment as soon as the weather got good and it was incredible seeing all the kids using it that first day,” Rian Vos says. “The kids all came out and tested it. It was kind of cool.”

Among those “test-driving” the new equipment was Evan Vos, 10, the younger brother of Anthony.

“Evan tried it and it met his approval,” Rian Vos says.

The dedication of the new equipment at “Pete” Petersen Skate Park takes place at 10 a.m. Saturday.

Cherokee Chronicle Times: “Sutherland Gets a Skate Park”

Monday, May 1, 2006

Nancy Nelson, Staff Writer

20060501-cct01Youth from the city of Sutherland helped to decorate the new skate park equipment with spray paint recently after the equipment, built and donated by JTV, was installed. (Photo by Chris Reed)

Park built in memory of a friend and son

It was little more than a year ago when a group of young teens approached the Sutherland City Council about building a skate park at the city’s park in the center of town.

The teens took it upon themselves to approach the city council and some parents were unaware of their efforts until word got around. The city did put some equipment in for skateboard enthusiast to use to get the project started.

Among those ambitious youngsters was Anthony Vos, the 13 year old son of Rian and Gwen Vos. Unfortunately a short time later, in June 2005, a motorcycle accident claimed the young boy’s life. The community of Sutherland naturally pulled together during the tragic event in the form of memorial money.

Originally the Vos’ had meant to use the memorial money to complete the skate park in memory of their son. Instead they opted to hang on to it to possibly help out a classmate down the road.

Since Rian Vos is one of the owners and operations manager for JTV in Sutherland he had the means to build what his son and his friends wanted at the park. The goal, a half pipe and quarter pipe to add to the equipment the city already had on hand.

The design was taken from, of all places, a Slim Jim advertisement. Rian called the Slim Jim company and explained the situation and how they wanted to build the equipment shown in the ad. The company had no problem with it and the design was set in motion.

Over the winter a couple of guys from JTV donated their time to build the half-pipe and quarter-pipe in a couple of weekends with JTV donating the supplies and equipment to build it.

When the equipment was installed a few weeks ago their son’s friends and classmates came and were allowed to spray paint the equipment to their own preferences. Then they put the equipment to immediate use.

Even the Vos’ younger son Evan has already put the park to use. The Vos’ enjoy seeing the kids in the community putting the skate park to use, but admit that it is also bittersweet. Rian says, “I hope the kids have fun on it.” They were glad to help complete a project that their son helped to start.

Prior to June 2005 – Dustin Lokhorst, Habitual Offender

In the 7 years prior to Dustin Lokhorst killing 13-year-old Anthony Vos on June 17, 2005, he was charged in Iowa with the following crimes and violations:

  1. Burglary, Sioux County, 5/18/2001 [Guilty]
  2. Burglary 3rd degree, Sioux County, 12/23/2002 [Dismissed]
  3. Careless driving, Hull, 9/11/1998 [Guilty]
  4. Careless driving, Obrien County, 4/4/2005 [Guilty]
  5. Child support recovery, paternity testing, Sioux County, 10/4/2002 [Against]
  6. Child support, mandatory income withholding, Obrien County, 3/21/2002 [Against]
  7. Criminal mischief 4th degree, Sioux County, 12/23/2002 [Dismissed]
  8. Domestic abuse, Obrien County, 9/30/2002 [Guilty – served 2 days in jail]
  9. Driving while barred, habitual offender, Sioux County, 4/20/2002 [Guilty]
  10. Driving while suspended, Lyon County, 7/10/2001 [Dismissed]
  11. Failure to have valid license (motorcycle), Sioux County, 5/6/2001 [Guilty]
  12. Failure to maintain safety belts, Sioux County, 12/27/1999 [Guilty]
  13. Failure to maintain safety belts, Sioux County, 12/29/1999 [Guilty]
  14. Failure to maintain safety belts, Lyon County, 7/10/2001 [Guilty]
  15. Failure to obey stop sign, Hull, 9/3/1999 [Guilty]
  16. Harassment/3rd Degree, Obrien County, 4/20/2004 [Guilty]
  17. Judgment for $6700, Iowa State Bank, 12/22/2004 [Against]
  18. Motorcycle violation, Sioux County, 5/6/2001 [Guilty]
  19. Operating while license suspended, Obrien County, 10/1/2002 [Guilty]
  20. Operating while license suspended, Obrien County, 2/2/2003 [Guilty]
  21. Operating while license suspended (financial), Obrien County, 2/2/2003 [Dismissed]
  22. Reckless operation of watercraft, Dickinson County, 7/18/2004 [Guilty]
  23. Speeding (11-15 over), Sioux County, 12/26/1999 [Guilty]
  24. Speeding (11-15 over), Lyon County, 7/10/2001 [Guilty]
  25. Speeding (20+ over), Sioux County, 9/14/1999 [Guilty]
  26. Speeding (6-10 over), Sheldon, 4/29/2005 [Guilty]
  27. Tampering with a motor vehicle, Sioux County, 12/22/1998 [Guilty]
  28. Theft 4th degree, Sioux County, 5/18/2001 [Guilty]
  29. Theft 4th Degree, Obrien County, 10/2/2000 [Guilty]
  30. Theft 5th Degree, Sioux County, 12/23/2002 [Dismissed]
  31. Theft 5th Degree, Dickinson County, 5/31/2004 [Guilty]
  32. Theft by Deception, Lyon County, 2/12/2004 [Guilty]
  33. Violation of no contact order, Obrien County, 10/26/2002 [Guilty]

Source: Iowa Courts Online

Kayla Remembers: Cheez Whiz!

From Cousin Kayla, 9/16/2005

Last summer I was sleeping on the couch and Anthony and Evan got the idea to put cheese whiz in my ear.

As they were putting it in my ear I woke up and they were laughing. Then they decided to pin me down and put a big smiley face made of cheese whiz on my arm. I washed if off my arm but while they were putting it in my ear they missed and got it in my hair. It would not come out.

After that we went swimming so figured it would come out then. Well it did but the smell was there mixed with chlorine from the pool. It was an horrible smell and they just thought it was so funny. He always tempted to do it again but I was quick enough to get the cheese before he got the chance.

Grandpa Remembers: Name That Tune

From Grandpa K, 10/10/2005

Anthony had a special love for music — of most any kind! We saw this already almost as soon as he started to walk.

We would often play kids’ classics, including the “Lone Ranger” theme song. It’s a song which strongly suggests galloping horses perhaps chasing some bank robbers trying to escape. By the time he was four years old, this was one of Anthony’s favorite songs, and he would have Grandma K play this over and over. One day he happened to hear this song on the radio when he was visiting someone else, pointed to the radio and told everyone, “That’s the ‘William Tell Overture!'”

I also remember riding in the car with Anthony, listening to music–sometimes classical, sometimes jazz, sometimes blue grass, sometimes blues. So often I would be listening and all of a sudden would hear Anthony picking up the melody of a song I know he had never heard before, humming along in rhythm and in harmony. I know I asked him several times when this would happen, “Anthony, how do you do that? How can you hear a song for the first time, a song you don’t know, and figure it out so quickly?”

“Grandpa,” Anthony would answer with a little dismissive shrug of the shoulders and holding both hands to the radio, “it’s just there!”

Dad Remembers: Flat Tires

From Dad, 10/7/2005

OK, here it goes… remember I’m not an English major… unless a “D” on the report card meant “damn good.”

We used to live in Sanborn in the late 1990s, and I had to drive to Spencer every day to where I worked.

Anyway, “dads” vehicles have always been pieces of crap, according to Anthon,y so it’s pretty common for me to have a dead battery or a door that doesn’t open or to run out of gas a time or two or three.

One morning I went out to the garage to find that my car has developed a flat tire… hey no problem I’ll just go by a can of “fix a flat.” I bought the can for $7, filled my tire and I was on my way. About 3 days later I had another flat on the same tire and after a short drive to town and another 7 dollar can of flat tire fixer I was on my way. Three maybe four days later I had another one, three days later another, and another and another. After the third can of fix a flat, you’d think I’d have got the hint the stuff didn’t work.

I’m thinkin’ “man that must be one big hole” but then why couldn’t I hear anything when I’d air the tire up??? Well that kinda had me stumped, so I dropped the tire off at the tire repair shop. When I got done with work that day, I went to pick up my tire and put it back on my car. I should have known something was up when the mechanic said “Ah! you’re the one.”

I’m the one??? What the hell does that mean??? I didn’t want to be the one. He told me that he had never fixed a tire with more nails in it than the one I had brought in… Ah cmon now how many nails could it have??? 3 maybe 4??? Nope I had just set the world record of 23 nails in my tire. 23 NAILS. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?!?!

The entire way home I’m thinkin that it isn’t possible to run over 23 nails in a life time and I hadn’t had those tires for much over six months. He must have miscounted. Well I went thru the garage floor to see if I was somehow parking on a box of nails… no… then I parked at a new spot at work… no nails there and yet I got another flat a week later. I fixed it and now I’m gettin suspicious.

About two days later I found a roofing nail propped up against my tire and I knew who the culprit was…. it was that little turd Anthony. I find Anthony in the house after work and I asked him if he had any idea how many nails it took to make a tire go flat and he just grinned. His butt was sore for longer than if he had stopped at 22 nails and I haven’t had more than two or three flats a year since.

Emily Remembers: He Slept in the Tub!

From Emily S., 10/5/2005

I remember on the Science Fair Trip to Ames, when we were told that he would be sharing a room with Mr. Brasser and Ryan, with only two beds.

Since guys these days aren’t very mature, Anthony and Ryan didn’t want to share a bed. So Anthony slept in the tub. He did this for two nights. It was so funny when he told us that he was going to, but we didn’t think that he was serious. In the morning when we got on the bus, they told us that he really had slept in the tub, and we laughed until we got there.

During the breaks in the Science Fair, he and Ryan went to the very top of the stands, and shot spitballs at all of the other people. Sammi, Faith, and I didn’t want to get in trouble by going up there, so we didn’t. I regret not doing things like that now. I will remember every minute I spent with him, and cherish it for the rest of my life. It was better to know him for a little while, than to not have known him at all.

Unkel B: Seeing Each Other

From Uncle Bruce, 10/4/2005

What keeps coming back to me this summer, over and over again, is returning to America and wanting desperately to see Anthony for the first time.

I missed my parents and sisters, of course, but having seen only photos for his first 9 months, I could think of little else on the plane flight.

And the actual meeting? I don’t remember much of its setting, but I will always remember those big expressive eyes that somehow always seemed to see through people and take in everything — and more.

Those eyes never lost their power, the power to melt your heart with puppy-dog qualities, the power to confront pretenses or injustice with dark fury, the power to produce laughter with crazed or dopey looks, the power to see potential in Lego blocks, plywood, toy soldiers, cheap cameras, corn kernels, and even people.

Johanna Remembers: A Cool Dude

Anthony was one of those people that were all in their personal world of fun! I remember last year in art he always drew war and things like that. He was a cool dude. 8) What I remember about Anthony is that he would be so nice to people if they really were feeling bad. Anthony was one of my very good friends. I am very mad that he is not here to share all the things that are happening now.

Anthony’s Classmates and “Tight” T-shirts

From Mom, 9/30/2005

Last year, I took Anthony shopping for shoes. He picked a pair out, tried them on, and said, “Man, these are TIGHT, Mom.”

“Ok,” I said, “Let me grab a bigger size.”

He grinned and said, “No, Mom, these are TIGHT.”

“Well, if they’re so TIGHT, we need to get you a pair that’s BIGGER, right?”

“Ma, these are tight, like, COOL, ya know? Tight is like cool or awesome.”



Today would have been Anthony’s 14th birthday, and we went to his school to give wristbands and cds to his classmates. I hope everyone who wants one gets one…. We played a slideshow with the song “When September Ends,” by Green Day.

When the eighth-graders started walking into the gym, several of them were wearing Anthony’s trademark “TAKE ME HOME & FEED ME” t-shirts, with his handstand picture printed on the back, and several had sweatshirts with a skater, Anthony’s initials, his birthdate, and “Skate on.” I didn’t really see all the detail on the shirts, because it was difficult to take a close look at things like that right then. It was a really tough moment, but good.

And those t-shirts and sweatshirts were TIGHT, y’all.

You guys are great.

Classmates Remember: You HAD to Laugh!

From Allison S, 9/30/2005

Whenever you were around Anthony, u always HAD to laugh! He was hilarious! Last year in Mrs. Ruever’s class

I sat by Anthony the last quarter of the year and he would always tell me all these funny stories, like when he went over to ryan’s house and they gelled his cat, and then he would always bring these skater magazines and tell me what he was gonna get, and what he said posers supposively wear.

And in Mrs. Geerdes’ class when he dressed up as a girl for a book report! In Mrs. Wallin’s class he had kirstin writing blah blah blah over a whole bunch of pages so he could use it for wall paper or put it on his walls, but Mrs. Wallin took it away. He would always draw skateboards on his papers. I remember at Miranda’s party they all brought their skateboards and just skated the whole time.

And all of his shirts he wore were really funny. He wore the same ones a lot so one day he said he was going to prove to me that he had more shirts then the ones he wore most of the time. I really miss him…

Evan Remembers: Anthony Making Things Less Scary

From Evan, 9/17/2005

Whenever I got scared about commercials for scary movies, Anthony would cheer me up by telling me about the bloopers of Chuckie and silly things the bad guys might do like Freddy Kruger trying to pick his nose.

There was this blue elephant in his room. Whenever I would sleep in his room it seemed like it was looking at me, and one night he he saw me looking at it and getting scared and he got out of bed and threw it out the door.

Evan Remembers: Anthony Saving Baxter

Evan has a stuffed animal that has been passed down from his mom to Anthony to him. Baxter the puppy looks pretty rough by now… he’s been stitched up a couple of times and had to have his nose replaced a few years ago.

In 2004, Baxter had 2 new rips on his tummy and head. He kept losing stuffing, but Mom just never got around to stitching him up. One afternoon, Anthony decided to fix ‘im up for Evan. He made a huge production out of it, acting like an ER doctor, resuscitating Baxter, using defib paddles on Baxter’s chest, asking his assistant Evan for various surgical tools, STAT.

When it was all over, Baxter had a nice, even row of small gold safety pins straight down his tummy and on the back of his head, and Evan had a big grin on his face.

Evan Remembers: Catching Seager

From Evan, 3/12/2009

I remember when Anthony, John, Ethan, Cole, and I would try to catch our giant mutant Doberman when he got hyper in the green house in Sutherland.

So once we ran out of ideas to catch him, and Anthony says we could use a blanket! We were all confused and simultaneously said “What?” He said “ok, I will chase Seager up here from the basement and you guys wait with the blanket.”

We thought it would work. But we underestimated the power of our dog and the four of us all got dragged around our house while Anthony stood and laughed at us. Yeah he knewwww it would happen. That was hilarious.

Love you always Anthony.

lil’ bro

Evan Remembers: Food Pranks

From Evan, 10/1/2005

Anthony put ketchup in my food like cottage cheese sometimes and covered it up so I couldn’t tell.

I think mom made him eat it once.

Another time we were at a buffet and I went to get more pop and Anthony hid pieces of hot dog in my ice cream.

Lindsi Remembers: Prankster

I remember last year in Mrs. Geerdes’ class I sat at a table with Anthony and he showed me all the stories that he had written and we laughed at them. Then later he tried to shine the sunlight in Mrs. Haack’s eyes and she started yelling at him. He was such a character.

Miranda Remembers: Sooo Funny!

I’ve known Anthony for a long time…I think since he moved here…which was in 2nd grade. He was sooo funny..from the time when he got up in front of class and was trying to act out the story Mrs. Golden was reading, to the time where he was trying to push me out of the class in Mr. Brasser’s roll-y chair during CIP class. We have had so many memories that I’ll never forget!

He was a very good friend and will always be in my heart.

Peter Remembers: Good Times

Anthony was a great kid. We had a lot of fun skateboarding, climbing trees, camping, and doing other fun things together. We used to sit in his basement and play video games together. We would sit out in his yard and build little cities in the dirt with our little army men and Hotwheels. We made one so big it took up at least a fourth of his back yard.

We tried to make a tree house two or three summers ago but we only got the floor built in then it kinda ended up being a ground house because we couldn’t figure out how to get the walls into the tree. So we built a couch and a table and sat on the ground and listened to music and ate snacks and drank soda. We sat there and told jokes and spray painted stuff.

I remember how we would try to get enough money to buy a bag of candy and some soda. We really had some good times together. He made me laugh and have fun with some of the weirdest things.

No matter what, he always had a way to make things fun, and the funny thing is that it worked.